
essay question of the day: when do boys turn into men? justify your answer.

Boys are not vastly different from men. But there often lies the necessary, yet covert, distinction between a boy and a man. In the physical aspect, a man is perhaps a homosepians who's after his puberty while a boy is one that has yet to experience or is experiencing it. And it is this physical tender, of a boy, that usually belies the maturity of thought and actions in them. Also, while certain actions such as beginning to drink, party etc can seemingly suggest the boy-man transition, it sometimes does not apply to all. Nevertheless, a combination of traits can be telling in differentiating a boy and a man.

It is fairly justifiable to note that boys do proceed into manhood, based on the fact that they have undergone the physical evolutions. The dictionary states that a man is: a mature adult male, while the definition of a boy is: an immature male. The words "mature" and "immature" here are assumed to suggest the state of physical maturity, none more than anything else. And we do realise that this has been an orthodox consideration for differentiation between boys and men, in our society today. In Biology classes, kids are taught the infant-boy-man cycle. That's just a tip of the massive iceberg. Others include personal identifications based on age differences, legal age cut for certain activities etc. Evidently, the very first distinction, lying between a man and a boy, is the physical inferiority of the latter to the former.

If people were to take only physical considerations in determining the status of an individual, it will be laughable. While nature ensures that a 10 year old is entirely different from a 20 year old in height, weight, muscular complexity and sexual capability, no one can predict the mental and cognitive aspect - which is something that is arguably the ultimate deciding factor between a man and a boy. (EXAMPLES)

A man leads a different life from a boy. But the lifestyle always the determinant for differentiation? Certainly not. For instance, it is trite to note that young lads begin the cosumption of alcohol as young as early adolescence. While boys' behaviour can be synonymous to that of a man, but litte do people realise that with the same actions, a man and a boy can bear different consequences. And this applies to almost every single aspect of life, especially in the legal aspect which requires no further elaboration. Also, a man, when married and has a family established, is provides for further distinguishing from a boy because of the responbilities they carry in their lives.


while i crapped the above, it sometimes makes me wonder to what extent i am already a man? have i been able to measure up to the expectations of one? i may have done what a man often does, but that isn't going to make me man. i reckon there's much more to learn before i've got a counterpart in my life and eventually a family. and that's going to happen if and only if, i deserve it when i one day becomes man.

well, all that trash talking about man aside, my life's been rather fulfilling these couple of days. peope blog a lot about blocks, so i shan't blog about it any further.

he just loves blocks. (that's his study)

after blocks, i was at leonard(the CUTE boy)'s house for a super late-night mini party. below tells you why he's so CUTE haha:

now you know why? (but trust me, he has much that belies his amateur appearance)

yesterday, three men went on a mens' night. you would never have imagined how some of their lives are. not when you don't even know much of the world yet and i certainly mean it. but i know learnt, a fair bit, last night. they said: welcome to the world! i thought: well..you guys are truly far ahead of me. and yes, they really are.

this is not the world. i just want to say that singapore is afterall a rather vibrant place.

that's about all. i'm exhausted typing. so goodbye people!

one said: know what you want in life, go for it and do not fear failure. that's what he did, unregretfully and he told me to do that same.

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