
Can't believe that i'm flying off in less than 72 hours. Perhaps, it's time for a slight breather. It seems to me that the past year has been work and work and all work. Though amidst the debilitating labour I have been able to find bits of self-fulfillment or accomplishment, I barely enjoyed myself this year. Maybe the next 11 days from Wednesday onwards can bring me some lost joy. I don't think I spent enough time with friends, and hence I hope this trip makes up for it, to the certain few that probably matter lots in my life. I'm sorry to others who endear to me as much as those certain few do. This trip cannot accomodate for so many people. I'll make up for it. 

I'm leaving myself behind. I will be different once I step out of the Boeing 777, for 11 odd days. Then when I come back, things will end, good or bad. No love lost man, just that it's about time to conclude, good or bad, what seems a less than hopeful one-sided tussle of romance. But before this "coming back", everything will be ecstasy! We will have fun together. We'll make great tutors.

If you want anything, let me know. I can't promise nothing, but I'll deliver if it's within my limits. 

Anyways, the flight details: SQ818 0755 T3, IF you need HAHA.

See you soon


oh yea! after a hiatus due to my peculiarly lackadaisical self, i can say i'm back at blogging. i wouldnt consider the past few weeks(if not months) to be a rollercoaster ride, but i'm sure much happened and they can get as bizarre as you can imagine, though i would barely share some of them here.

i despair at the glimpse of my end of year results. it's ridiculously far from what i set out to achieve. but i cannot complain much, because i believe effort and result is engineered in a directly proportional relationship. i havent put in sufficient effort, and henceforth the yield tells it all. i cannot promise myself to bounce back to top tier of the cohort immediately next year, but i will find the discipline to peg back what missed out through the year. i dont think i can attribute the cause of the dismal results to council or any other involvement(either social/academic) for that matter because if someone who is in the same circumstances can grind out time, why didnt i? well whatever it is, i will do something about it. i'm anxious about next year. i find myself over-committed, but i dont wish to drop any of the commitments now coz i'm either obliged to be/in love with them.

anyways, if anyone out there came for maf, thanks alot. oh yea, scream too. i was actually quite bored in the maze for scream.(btw, i hid at the corner with dummies)

there is something that i feel so fervently compelled to discuss, yet i just cannot seem to recall what it is. maybe the next post i will remember. till then good night, and i will be really surprised if any of you still comes back to patronize my on-a-long-break blog. (okay shit, gotta settle chinese, pw & sat)


life has been mundane as it used to be, so i havent got much purpose in blogging about the every minute bits of my brilliant life(how sarcastic i am to myself man).

two things, there are two things that have set me thinking, again. and splendidly, these two things are both bringers of resolutions, to my life problems.

firstly, it's about discrimination, between two reasons to feel, that often perturbs guys. do you like/feel for things for what they appear to be, or what they really are? that has been a resounding thought, or rather question in my mind. i've gotta figure that out, and so should many gentlemen out there. think about it.

secondly, it's about something that i read, not so long ago. (well, just a couple of hours ago, from someone who probably doesnt wish to be identified at all) it tells me: dont worry always, some people never stop finding reasons to be sad, i should choose to be happy and always keep my head up. there's gotta be somewhere i'm gonna make a difference. stand up & speak up. thanks, i appreciate your words, if you read my blog at all. i, fully, get what you mean:D

nothing much about my life to blog about actually. it's been normal. friends, we can always talk so it's needless for me to update you on the little happenings of my humble life. (now this sets the contrast from the beginning)

good night!


hey you know it's just fucking(pardon my expression, it has to be this radical, trust me) depressing, disappointing and disparaging when you don't recover well from an injury, especially after laying so much effort into procedures like surgery, physio, rehab. i still have a little faith in myself and won't give up that easily i guess. i want to pull through this and return to full fitness, however challenging and time consuming the process.

good night

treasure what you have and don't get hurt. when you do, you find it hard to come back.


well i'm feeling empty, not that there was much possession to begin with anyways. just that it's like the episode is ending and fading away. it's synonymous to some movie aftermaths where you indulged all your senses in the film so much that when you turned your back on the theatre, you probably felt and remembered nothing. it just feels similar here and there. i dont know just yet, maybe another chapter might unfold(or the producers plan to shoot an extension), just as the many trilogies out there that surfaced unexpectedly. by the way, emptiness doesnt equate nor is it inclusive of sadness.

haha i touched football for the first time in about 5 months. it's a little rusty i guess. and i dont deny that i still carry this horrific baggage of the acl rupture and fear to do certain things. i'll gradually work things back, though i'm not even past my rehab period yet.


empty, for me, is like losing touch of what has happened and gaining nothing of what's going to happen, soon.