
Can't believe that i'm flying off in less than 72 hours. Perhaps, it's time for a slight breather. It seems to me that the past year has been work and work and all work. Though amidst the debilitating labour I have been able to find bits of self-fulfillment or accomplishment, I barely enjoyed myself this year. Maybe the next 11 days from Wednesday onwards can bring me some lost joy. I don't think I spent enough time with friends, and hence I hope this trip makes up for it, to the certain few that probably matter lots in my life. I'm sorry to others who endear to me as much as those certain few do. This trip cannot accomodate for so many people. I'll make up for it. 

I'm leaving myself behind. I will be different once I step out of the Boeing 777, for 11 odd days. Then when I come back, things will end, good or bad. No love lost man, just that it's about time to conclude, good or bad, what seems a less than hopeful one-sided tussle of romance. But before this "coming back", everything will be ecstasy! We will have fun together. We'll make great tutors.

If you want anything, let me know. I can't promise nothing, but I'll deliver if it's within my limits. 

Anyways, the flight details: SQ818 0755 T3, IF you need HAHA.

See you soon